Map & directions
Directions to LesbosVilla
From Mytiline:
Follow signs towards town of Plomari.
5 km before Plomari, enter village of Trigonas.
When entering Trigonas opposite Olive Oil Museum sign,
make sharp left turn on to smaller road.
Go up hill and follow signs to Lesbosvilla.
On Googlemaps search for : Lesbosvilla
Download directions while you are
in Mytilene and have internet coverage.
Use these coordinates to locate LesbosVilla
when using GPS device or web map:
Latitude: 38.969951
Longtitude: 26.417006
Distances from LesbosVilla to :
Trygonas : 1,5 km
Plomari : 7 km
Mytiline : 44 km
Agiassos : 36 km
Molivos : 74 km
Google Maps
Search for ” Lesbosvilla” for directions to the house or use the map below